Kamis, 19 Oktober 2006
"God is not against the rich!" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What three commandments require restitution when violated? Tell us what youthink. Post a comment today.THIS WEEK'S FEATURED BLOG: "The Cross at Cahuenga" - Shining God's love down upon Hollywood - by Hope FrancesDear Friends,The Pope's Islamic comments, Catholic Hollywood and our new Spanish language blogs top our ParishWorld list this week.We are happy to announce
Kamis, 12 Oktober 2006
"Where in the Bible does it say we have to celebrate Mass?" & other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "Why do Catholics say the rosary at funerals?" Let us know what you think. Post a comment today.THIS WEEK'S FEATURED BLOG: "A Community of Many Colors" By Paul Dion, STLDear friends,What a great issue we have for you this week! Because last Sunday's Mass Readings focused on Marriage, it naturally generated a lot of buzz through the week. Stories about Technology and
Jumat, 06 Oktober 2006
"Lights, Camera, God!" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: When St. James wrote about the need to "keep oneself unstained by the world'" what exactly did he mean by "the world?" Share your thoughts with us. Post a comment today.NOTABLE BLOG: "Lights, Camera, GOD!" - a Faith Journey in Hollywood by Hope FrancesDear Friends,Unauthorized baptisms, Immigration, Bible Christians and beating slumping home sales are our top
Kamis, 28 September 2006
"Why Confession is the most difficult Sacrament " and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "Who is the Church?" Do you really know who the Church is? Tell us what you think. Post a comment today.FEATURED BLOG OF THE WEEK: "Jesus asks us: Who do you say I am?" - A personal reflection on life by Paul Dion, STLDear Friends,The world's reaction to Pope Benedict's comments continue to make headlines this week as well as our youth's continuing struggle with
Kamis, 21 September 2006
"Is Catholicism at a Crossroad?" & other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What is the Communion of Saints?"It's part of the Apostle's Creed, but do you know what it means? Share your thoughts with us. Post a comment today.FEATURED BLOG OF THE WEEK: "Have Fun When You Can" by Bo SanchezDear Friends,Hollywood and Pope Benedict's misunderstood remarks in Germany are the top stories this week.First the good news. The company that brought TV
Kamis, 14 September 2006
DOES GOD WANT YOU TO BE RICH and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "DOES GOD WANT YOU TO BE RICH?" Simple yes or no. We know you have an opinion about that. Think it over. And then join the fun and post your comments. FEATURED BLOG OF THE WEEK: "Religion is a virtue, Believe me." An interesting discussion that stems from a reader's comment that being "saved" is not a matter of religious affiliation.Dear friends,This week 9-11 was
Sabtu, 09 September 2006
It's the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What is Virtue?" Tell us what you think. Join the hearty discourse on this weekly blog. If you feel too shy to post your name, you can always sign it Anonymous.FEATURED BLOG: "You can choose to be happy" by Bo SanchezWIN A FREE IPOD! Just subscribe FREE to ParishWorld before Sept. 15 and you qualify to join a raffle for a FREE iPod. Join now.Dear Friends,“People
Jumat, 01 September 2006
"Catholic Theology does not endorse Creationist views" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What is Passion? Is it Good or Bad? Dig deep into your heart and tell us what you feel about this question. Share your thoughts with us. If you feel too shy to post your name, you can sign it anonymous.Featured Blog: "Today I saw God ...in the warmth of true friendship" by Wally AridaWin a FREE iPod! That's right. An iPod Nano could be yours and you do not have to
Minggu, 27 Agustus 2006
"What is a 'Just War' from the Catholic perspective?" & other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What is Faith?" This is not an intellectual exercise. We are not looking for left-brained answers this week. But the simplicity of the question may stun you, so think it over. And let us know what you think. Post your comments today. FEATURED BLOG: "Why We Babble" (Gen 11) by Jeri Westerson takes the history out of the story of the Tower of Babel.Pope Benedict XVI
Jumat, 18 Agustus 2006
"How do you know if your Catholic parish a 'good' one?" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: What is more important, to believe in God or to believe in the Church? If you've thought of this before, you have an opinion. If this is a new question, thank God that you are getting a chance to delve into your conscience about it. Tell us what you think. What an exciting issue we have for you this week! The Catholic world was buzzing all week and we're here to get
Jumat, 11 Agustus 2006
"Why do Catholics believe in Purgatory?" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "Is Religion for the weak of heart and mind?" What do you think? We would really love to hear your thoughts. Post a comment today.NEW THIS WEEK: Our Sunday Homily is now available in both English and Spanish.Tuesday, August 15, is the feast of the Asumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - a holy day of obligation for Catholics. In this issue, you will find a historical
Jumat, 04 Agustus 2006
"DID I MARRY THE RIGHT PERSON?" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "Is Divorce a sin, according to the Catholic Church?" Let us know what you think. Post a comment, any comment. And next week, we will post what the Church really teaches.A NEW BLOG DEBUTS! "Today I saw God..." is a compilation of a young adult's reflections on how and where God manifests Himself in our daily lives. This blog will touch your lives spiritually. Click
Rabu, 26 Juli 2006
"God is Winning" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Can a Catholic person marry a non-Catholic person in a Catholic church ceremony? Let us know what you think. Click here to post your comments.READER QUESTION: "Will I be judged on my state of grace when I die? Or will I be judged based on a lifetime of deeds?" ParishWorld blogger Paul Dion, STL, provides a very insightful reflection on the subject.Ecumenism seems to
Rabu, 19 Juli 2006
"PINGING PRAYER" & Other Great Stories
THIS WEEK'S BURNING QUESTION: What does "pray without ceasing" mean to you? Let us know what you think.. Click here to share your thoughts.A NEW SECTION DEBUTS! "ParishWorld Readers Speak Out!" Talk to us and let us know what you have in mind. We'd like to hear from you. Post a comment today. Prayer takes center stage in this week's edition. ParishWorld Blogger Paul Dion kicks it off with a
Kamis, 13 Juli 2006
IS U2 A CHRISTIAN ROCK BAND? And other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What, if any, influence does the Pope have on your personal life?" Please share your comments and thoughts with us.A NEW BLOG DEBUTS THIS WEEK: A Place at the Table by Kathi Scarpace. "Many Mouths to Feed" is her maiden story. Check it out. The world was once again buzzing with things Catholic this week.You all know about the Holy Grail, right? The Pope this week
Kamis, 06 Juli 2006
"LET SOME THINGS NOT CHANGE" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "When Catholics talk about the Real Presence of Christ, what are they talking about? How many other forms of Christ's presence in our midst can you think of?" Share your comments with us.We have a wonderful collection of stories for you this week beginning with a priest who spends a lot of time on the road as he services the spiritual needs of four parishes every
Jumat, 30 Juni 2006
June Weddings and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "Is it more effective to pray than to study the tenets of a religion when seeking a spiritual home community?"June has always been a traditionally busy month for weddings. And you've probably had your share of them this month. "Hints for Happy Marriage" is a wonderful article that teaches couples how to bring God into their lives. Paul Dion reflects on church
Kamis, 22 Juni 2006
"Make God Your Home" and other great stories
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Check out this interesting question about certain culinary preferences.The mystery of the Eucharist takes center stage this issue with last Sunday's feast of the Corpus Christi. New York Cardinal Edgar Egan used the feast as a chance to explain the meaning of some of the Church's central rituals. At the Vatican, Pope Benedict explained that the Eucharist is the
Kamis, 15 Juni 2006
It's Corpus Christi Sunday! And 1 million hits at ParishWorld!
BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What is not right about this chain email?" Click here to see the email and to give us your thoughts.We are thrilled to announce that ParishWorld has eclipsed 1 million hits since we launched our current model last January. That's over 600,000 pages read by you, our readers - over 600,000 pages of evangelization in action. We thank you for your patronage. Please
Kamis, 08 Juni 2006
It's Holy Trinity Sunday!
Burning Question of the Week: Given a choice, will you vote for Abortion or Gay Marriage? Share your thoughts with us.We are experiencing great growth in ParishWorld. We have a report that says the Internet, our chosen medium for evangelization, is now the #1 media in the world. In another report, it's apparent that religion is now getting immersed into the mainstream media. And that's a good
Kamis, 01 Juni 2006
Happy Birthday to the Catholic Church!
Burning Question of the Week: IS JESUS AND GOD THE SAME? Check it out.This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Catholic Church, the time when the apostles, touched by the Holy Spirit, went out to begin preaching God's message to the world. We have a story that depicts just how that first Pentecost might have transpired.Earlier in the week, Pope Benedict visited Poland and upon
Jumat, 26 Mei 2006
Five ways God uses problems, the Catholic Social Thought, and the cellphones of the future are almost here!
We are very pleased to announce several new editorial features that debut this week. Catholic evangelist Bo Sanchez now writes a weekly blog in ParishWorld. His previous articles on fidelity, marriage, and keeping life simple, among others, have been reader favorites in ParishWorld. This week he challenges you to "Keep the number of your heart secret."Also begining this week, ParishWorld blogger
Kamis, 18 Mei 2006
Catholics and First Friday Mass, the Da Vinci Code dud of a movie, was Pope John Paul the Fatima Pope, rising on-line evangelization & more
The Da Vinci Code movie opens today, Friday, but already critics unanimously agree that the movie is a dud! But before we get into it, you're probably asking yourself about the above headline regarding our obligation to attend First Friday Mass? You will find the answer at the bottom of this email.Getting back to the Da Vinci Code, ParishWorld blogger Paul Dion sinks his teeth into the
Jumat, 12 Mei 2006
Mother's Day, Rapture, Excommunications and a Catholic US president?
Happy Mother's Day to all Moms. The epitome of all mothers is Our Blessed Mother. While most people these days ask, “What Would Jesus Do?” all mothers should challenge themselves to ask, “What would his mother do?”Sunday is the holiday that salutes all the Moms for all they do for us. And just how much is that? A recent study concluded that a full-time stay-at-home mother would earn $134,121 a
Jumat, 05 Mei 2006
May is the month of Mary, the Fatima Pope, finding the lowest gas prices in town and more
Pope Benedict XVI has proposed that during the month of May we rediscover the role of the Virgin Mary in our Christian life. All families are encouraged to pray the rosary together specially during this month.A new book just released points to the signs in the life of Pope John Paul II that suggest he just might have been the person mentioned in the apparitions at Fatima. Could he really be the
Jumat, 28 April 2006
Record internet use, sky high gas prices and remarkable off-the-cuff answers by Pope Benedict
Internet users in the US jumped to an outstanding all-time high of 73% of the population. And to the surprise of many, 64% of browsers use it for religious reasons. We've always maintained that the internet, like any other instrument, can be used for either good or evil. We at ParishWorld made a conscious decision to use it for Catholic evangelization. And the enthusiastic spike in our readership
Kamis, 20 April 2006
Christian NASCAR, the dangers of Catholic apathy, hints for happy marriages and more
Just a year ago Pope John Paul II seemed to have changed the papacy forever with his legacy, leaving big shoes for his succesor to fill. But Pope Benedict is surprising many. He is winning over his flock, chosing to lead them not as the successor of Pope John Paul but as the successor of St. Peter. Last Easter Sunday, he made an Easter appeal for peace. His Easter message to the entire world was,
Kamis, 13 April 2006
Happy Easter to All!
It's Spring Break! It's the begining of spring! It's Easter Sunday!Let us welcome the thousands of new Catholics who join our fold this Easter Sunday after completing the RCIA program. Check out "Lotsa Religion, How Much Faith?" a pointed Easter -related article from ParishWorld blogger Paul Dion.To the secular world, Easter may be a time of candy, colored eggs and Easter bunnies. But for us
Jumat, 07 April 2006
A Practical Guide to Holy Week and More
Holy Week begins this weekend with our observance of Palm Sunday. All through Lent we fasted and sacrificed. And now, let's not miss the best part! The liturgical services on Palm Sunday and on Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday are among the very best things we do in the church. In this issue, we give you a practical guide to the liturgical services of Holy Week.Several Catholic families
Kamis, 30 Maret 2006
Simplify your life! and more...
It's the fifth Sunday of Lent this weekend. Can you believe that Holy Week is almost upon us?In this issue, we reflect on why Jesus calls us "friends." Pope Benedict tells us, "Communion is key to Church Unity." And if you're struggling with life right now, we are reminded that "life is strewn with many little nights of Gethsemane." If you 've been praying and all you hear from God is silence, we
Jumat, 24 Maret 2006
We're busting at the seams so we're moving
Yes, we're moving and I'm trying to get this email out to you from an office strewn with moving boxes, disassembled desks and moving people running around.We are moving out of our Old Town Pasadena office today and hope to get settled into our new offices in a few days. And no, it's not a misprint, we really are opening two new offices - one in West Covina CA and another one in Simi Valley, CA
Kamis, 16 Maret 2006
St. Patrick's Day, the legacy of Irish priests, the Da Vinci Code, spam mail, avian flu, media and the Church and more
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all!Get into the green spirit. Try out the Irish recipes we have lined up for you. And then get into the real spirit of the holiday with this article about the real St. Patrick and why he should be honored not just by the Irish but by all down-trodden people everywhere.And this being an Irish holiday, let's not forget the sacrifices of the thousands of Irish priests who
Jumat, 10 Maret 2006
Lenten Sacrifice, Illegal Aliens, Divorced Catholics, Abstinence, Hi-tech Gadgets from Apple and Microsoft and more!
I know you will absolutely enjoy the ParishWorld we have for you this week. Let's give it a whirl.So what did you give up for Lent? Can you give up candy for forty days? This young lady in our story did. See how she fared. Another article reflects upon finding holiness through veggies and going meatless on Fridays. And still another talks about giving up on 'complaining?' At the Vatican, Pope
Jumat, 03 Maret 2006
Lenten Rites, American Politics and Catholics, Fresh Homemade Pasta and More
Have we got a busy issue of ParishWorld for you this first weekend of Lent.The Holy Father talks about Lenten Rites, such as the imposition of the ashes and the "stations," and how they have maintained their significance over the centuries. He reminds us that the Christian life is a ceaseless struggle against evil.Pope Benedict XVI also urges our youth to read the scriptures and "build your life
Kamis, 23 Februari 2006
Ash Wednesday, IRS Audit Red Flags, Why Go to Confession and More
I can't believe it seems like only a few weeks ago when we were celebrating the Christmas season. And now Lent comes rolling along as Catholics gather next week for Ash Wednesday.We explain the origins of this celebration and its meaning in our world today. Lent is also a good time to go and take stock of your self. "Why go to Confession" answers all your questions about the sacrament of
Kamis, 16 Februari 2006
When Baptists and Catholics Come Together and More
It's Friday once again, the start of what we hope would be another fun-filled and blessed weekend for you and your family.Feeling down lately? Jesus listens in times of trouble, Pope Benedict XVI reminds us. Also this Sunday, the Gospel tells the story of the paralytic whose faith in Jesus cured him. Fr. Romy challenges us in his Sunday homily to become a people of faith, willing to care and love
"FROM GUNS TO GOD" - A Leap of Faith Comes Full Circle
In November of 2004, I took a leap of faith. I placed my life in the service of the Catholic Church. And I haven't looked back since.I became a parish member at St. Patrick's Church in Moreno Valley in 1991. Like most church-goers, I was what our current priest-minister Fr, Joe Nacu, MS, would jokingly call a "space man." I would go to church on Sundays, occupy the same “space” and drop a measly
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