Jumat, 28 April 2006

Record internet use, sky high gas prices and remarkable off-the-cuff answers by Pope Benedict

Internet users in the US jumped to an outstanding all-time high of 73% of the population. And to the surprise of many, 64% of browsers use it for religious reasons. We've always maintained that the internet, like any other instrument, can be used for either good or evil. We at ParishWorld made a conscious decision to use it for Catholic evangelization. And the enthusiastic spike in our readership

Kamis, 20 April 2006

Christian NASCAR, the dangers of Catholic apathy, hints for happy marriages and more

Just a year ago Pope John Paul II seemed to have changed the papacy forever with his legacy, leaving big shoes for his succesor to fill. But Pope Benedict is surprising many. He is winning over his flock, chosing to lead them not as the successor of Pope John Paul but as the successor of St. Peter. Last Easter Sunday, he made an Easter appeal for peace. His Easter message to the entire world was,

Kamis, 13 April 2006

Happy Easter to All!

It's Spring Break! It's the begining of spring! It's Easter Sunday!Let us welcome the thousands of new Catholics who join our fold this Easter Sunday after completing the RCIA program. Check out "Lotsa Religion, How Much Faith?" a pointed Easter -related article from ParishWorld blogger Paul Dion.To the secular world, Easter may be a time of candy, colored eggs and Easter bunnies. But for us

Jumat, 07 April 2006

A Practical Guide to Holy Week and More

Holy Week begins this weekend with our observance of Palm Sunday. All through Lent we fasted and sacrificed. And now, let's not miss the best part! The liturgical services on Palm Sunday and on Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday are among the very best things we do in the church. In this issue, we give you a practical guide to the liturgical services of Holy Week.Several Catholic families