Kamis, 27 September 2007
By Wally AridaEmailed September 28, 2007Dear Friends,This Sunday's Readings tell the story of the rich man who ate with gusto while ignoring the beggar Lazarus who, at his foot, was pleading for a little food. "Woe to the complacent - The scandal of faith not lived." Fr. James Wayne, Director for Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, brings us this message in his podcast. Listen to
Minggu, 23 September 2007
Should we and, if so, why do we fast one hour before Communion?
Dear Friends,The Gospel in this Sunday's Readings has Jesus making a distinct call to "Honesty." "What do you do when....?" is an audio podcast by Deacon Alex Jones of a homily for this Sunday presented from the perspective of Catholic male spirituality. Listen to this and be blessed. In the homily entitled "The Best of a Bad Situation," Jesus advises us to make the best of a difficult situation
Kamis, 13 September 2007
"God is truth and God is love -- and both demand communication."
By Wally AridaEmailed Sept. 14, 2997BURNING QUESTION: "Would you applaud after a homily? Why?"CATHOLIC Q&A WITH FR. MIKE: "Why don't Catholic priests get married?" BLOG OF THE WEEK: "The Prodigal Son - He lives on!" by Paul Dion, STLVOCATION NEWS: Check out real stories of discernment and vocationsPASTORAL HISPANA: Clic aqui para articulos en EspanolDear Friends, You will be hearing a lot about
Kamis, 06 September 2007
"Discipleship - How have you gone out of your way for Jesus?"
By Wally AridaEmailed Sept. 7, 2007BURNING QUESTION: "Why is First Communion so Important?"CATHOLIC Q&A WITH FR MIKE: "Why do Catholics give so much attention to Mary?"FEATURED BLOG: "Archbishop Defends Celibacy (I do too)" by Paul Dion, STLPASTORAL HISPANA:Benedicto XVI podría crear nuevos cardenalesBenedicto XVI participará en el encuentro de líderes religiosos del mundo"En la familia se debe
Rabu, 05 September 2007
By Wally AridaEmailed August 31, 2007BURNING QUESTION: "Who can baptize?"FEATURED BLOG: "Why does the Catholic Church have so many rules?" - A searing inquiry from a young personCATHOLIC Q&A with Fr. Mike: "What's the difference between Catholic and Protestant Bibles?"PASTORAL HISPANA:Card. Bertone clausura Congreso Eucarístico peruano con Consagración a MaríaNo se puede crear un dios "a la
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