Jumat, 26 Oktober 2007

"Whoever exalts himself will be humbled."

Emailed October 26, 2007BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "Do Catholics believe our salvation is a sure thing?"FEATURED BLOG: "It's Personal - why Faith is always a fit topic for public discussion"VOCATION NEWS: "From Rome to home: seminarians stay connected on the web" PASTORAL HISPANA: "Oración humilde, confiada, llena de arrepentimiento"Dear Friends,This coming week will be a busy one for all as

Jumat, 19 Oktober 2007

"Pray always without becoming weary"

Emailed FREE to subscribers Oct. 19, 2007BURNING QUESTION: "Why do we call it the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass?"FEATURED BLOG: "Does Doubt Belong to Faith?"VOCATION NEWS: "Sister Fact: more young women are joining the convent "PASTORAL HISPANA: "El hombre vale por lo que es y es lo que ora" de P. Roberto MenaDear Friends,"Pray always without becoming weary," St. Luke reminds us this Sunday. You

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2007

It is fundamentally more accurate to say that God is "pro-life," and not merely "anti-abortion"

By Wally AridaDistributed by e-mail Oct. 4, 2007BURNING QUESTION: "Does the Church allow abortion if the mother's life is at risk?"FEATURED BLOG: "It's Respect Life Sunday. But what Life?" VOCATION NEWS: Seminarians - "Just regular guys God called to serve"PASTORAL HISPANA: "Tomar Conciencia de nuestros Sentimientos"Dear Friends,Faith and "Life" are intertwined in this week's issue of your

Kamis, 27 September 2007

By Wally AridaEmailed September 28, 2007Dear Friends,This Sunday's Readings tell the story of the rich man who ate with gusto while ignoring the beggar Lazarus who, at his foot, was pleading for a little food. "Woe to the complacent - The scandal of faith not lived." Fr. James Wayne, Director for Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Pittsburgh, brings us this message in his podcast. Listen to

Minggu, 23 September 2007

Should we and, if so, why do we fast one hour before Communion?

Dear Friends,The Gospel in this Sunday's Readings has Jesus making a distinct call to "Honesty." "What do you do when....?" is an audio podcast by Deacon Alex Jones of a homily for this Sunday presented from the perspective of Catholic male spirituality. Listen to this and be blessed. In the homily entitled "The Best of a Bad Situation," Jesus advises us to make the best of a difficult situation

Kamis, 13 September 2007

"God is truth and God is love -- and both demand communication."

By Wally AridaEmailed Sept. 14, 2997BURNING QUESTION: "Would you applaud after a homily? Why?"CATHOLIC Q&A WITH FR. MIKE: "Why don't Catholic priests get married?" BLOG OF THE WEEK: "The Prodigal Son - He lives on!" by Paul Dion, STLVOCATION NEWS: Check out real stories of discernment and vocationsPASTORAL HISPANA: Clic aqui para articulos en EspanolDear Friends, You will be hearing a lot about

Kamis, 06 September 2007

"Discipleship - How have you gone out of your way for Jesus?"

By Wally AridaEmailed Sept. 7, 2007BURNING QUESTION: "Why is First Communion so Important?"CATHOLIC Q&A WITH FR MIKE: "Why do Catholics give so much attention to Mary?"FEATURED BLOG: "Archbishop Defends Celibacy (I do too)" by Paul Dion, STLPASTORAL HISPANA:Benedicto XVI podría crear nuevos cardenalesBenedicto XVI participará en el encuentro de líderes religiosos del mundo"En la familia se debe

Rabu, 05 September 2007

By Wally AridaEmailed August 31, 2007BURNING QUESTION: "Who can baptize?"FEATURED BLOG: "Why does the Catholic Church have so many rules?" - A searing inquiry from a young personCATHOLIC Q&A with Fr. Mike: "What's the difference between Catholic and Protestant Bibles?"PASTORAL HISPANA:Card. Bertone clausura Congreso Eucarístico peruano con Consagración a MaríaNo se puede crear un dios "a la

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2007

The one thing that you seem to have difficulty in surrendering to Jesus

Emailed August 24, 2007BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What is the Old Testament root of the sacrament of Baptism?"FEATURED BLOG THIS WEEK: "FROM WOLVES TO DOGS TO PEOPLE - A reflection on the Michael Vick dog abuse case" by Paul Dion, STLNUESTRO ARTICULOS EN ESPANOL: “Me aferré a una columna y no vi más" Benedicto XVI envía ayuda y al cardenal Bertone a Perú Campaña abortista de la OMS es guerra

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2007

"Is gossip a sin? is it reason to go to Confession?"

Emailed to readers on Aug. 17, 2007BURNING QUESTION OF THE WEEK: "What is a Sacrament? How many are there?" By Paul Dion, STLFEATURED BLOG THIS WEEK: "THE BIBLE IS NOT A JIGSAW PUZZLE" - A Protestant corrects the way many evangelicals read the Bible"NUESTRO ARTICULOS EN ESPANOL:HE VENIDO A TRAER FUEGO A LA TIERRA, 8/16/07El Papa se solidariza con víctimas del terremoto en el Perú, 8/15/07New Age

Jumat, 10 Agustus 2007

"If the heart is not praying, the tongue is labouring in vain."

By Wally AridaEmailed to readers July 9, 2007Dear Friends:On Wednesday, August 15, Catholics all over the world will celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. To help us better understand the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in our Christian lives, we begin this issue with an explanation of the "Doctrine of the Assumption." Then we have an article about "The Original Mary: Our Lady's Life Before the

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2007

Papal Infallibility: "It is God's infallibility at work in the Church, not man's"

Posted by Wallly AridaEmailed to subscribers on August 2, 2007 Dear Friends, This week we are happy to welcome Fr. Mike Manning, SVD and his new weekly column called "Catholic Q&A by Fr. Mike." Fr. Manning is a reknowned TV evangelist who is the host of Wordnet TV's "The Power of Love." His show airs every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. on TBN. His debut article this week is titled "Is there any value

Jumat, 27 Juli 2007

The Lord's Prayer and Sodom & Gomorrah

By Wally AridaEmailed July 26, 2007Dear Friends,St. Francis de Sales once said, "While those who give scandal are guilty of the spiritual equivalent of murder, those who allow scandals to destroy their faith are guilty of spiritual suicide." While he said this several centuries ago during some of the darkest days of the Catholic Church, it's still timely today in light of the recent settlements

Jumat, 20 Juli 2007

"Reclaiming our Catholic identity in today's secular world"

Dear Friends,Please join us in welcoming Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Pomona, CA and St. George Catholic Church Church in Fontana, CA to the ParishWorld.net family. Soon their parishioners will be able to enjoy their own dynamic and vibrant ParishWorld community websites that will be their daily resource for evangelization, inspirational stories, universal Catholic news and local community

Kamis, 12 Juli 2007

"The one, true church, the one that Jesus Himself founded"

Dear Friends,Last week, Pope Benedict loosened restrictions on the celebration of the Tridentine Mass. People were just begining to discuss why he would boost the Latin Mass when he made yet another announcement. This week he reaffirmed to the world that the Catholic Church is the one, true church, the one that Jesus Himself founded.As expected, this declaration flamed discussions regarding

Jumat, 06 Juli 2007

"Red, White, Blue and Catholic too!"

By Wally AridaPosted July 5, 2007Dear Friends,Freedom, Catholic Deacons and Christian determination are our main story clusters in this edition.This week we celebrate our Independence Day as a nation. It's a great time to ask ourselves this week's Burning Question: "What is Freedom? What does it mean to us?" Surely, it's more than fireworks, parades and hotdogs. We ask you to reflect upon it and

Kamis, 28 Juni 2007

Latin Mass, Evan Almighty and the Internet

By Wally AridaPublished June 28, 2007Dear Friends:What a busy week it has been for us. We've been working diligently on many new things to further improve your favorite Catholic lifestyle magazine. And thanks to your support, we are today the fastest growing Catholic lifestyle magazine in the United States.Every week through ParishWorld.net more and more people are discovering that evangelization

Jumat, 22 Juni 2007

Marrriages, Baptisms and St. John the Baptist

By Wally Arida E-Mailed June 22, 2007Dear Friends,June is traditionally the month when many among our friends and family choose, or have chosen, to get married. And this Sunday is the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. So we thought we should focus this week's edition of your ParishWorld.net on these two things: Marriages and Baptisms.So who is this man we call St. John the Baptist