Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009

"Blessed are the poor in spirit"

CATHOLIC LIVING TODAYSolemnity of All Saints (AllSaintsB)November 1, 2009BURNING QUESTION: Why do we pray for the dead?FEATURED BLOG: I'm Catholic because I can't do it alone STORIES OF PRIESTS: 6-10 hour Confessions each SundayPASTORAL HISPANA: Los santos y santas interceden por nosotrosDear Friends,This weekend we celebrate the feasts of All Saints Day and All Soul's Day. In our Sunday Readings

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

"Your faith has saved you."

CATHOLIC LIVING TODAYThirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (30B), October 25, 2009BURNING QUESTION: What is Faith?FEATURED BLOG: Recovering Stray CatholicsVOCATION NEWS: Confessions of a Gypsy PriestPASTORAL HISPANA: El Ciego Bartimeo nos da EjemploDear Friends,Last week, Jesus chides the disciples for failing to see that authority is for service, bitterly arguing instead who is the greatest in God’s

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

"Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant."

CATHOLIC LIVING TODAYTwenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (29B), October 18, 2009BURNING QUESTION: Is it more noble to volunteer for secular or church work?FEATURED STORY: To be deep in history is to cease to be angrySTORIES OF PRIESTS: Pope: Priests are “Essential and irreplaceablePASTORAL HISPANA: La autoridad se trata de servicio y no de poderDear Friends,In the Gospel this Sunday, brothers

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2009

"Go, sell what you have"

CATHOLIC LIVING TODAYTwenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (28B), October 11, 2009BURNING QUESTION: Does God want you to be rich?FEATURED BLOG: On being Catholic and incarceratedVOCATION NEWS: Confessions of a Basilica ConfessorPASTORAL HISPANA: Las riquezas nos pueden dominarDear Friends,In the Gospel this Sunday a rich young man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. But he is

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

"And the two shall become one flesh"

CATHOLIC LIVING TODAYTwenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (27B), October 4, 2009BURNING QUESTION: Is Divorce a sin?FEATURED BLOG: Hints for Happy MarriagesPASTORAL HISPANA: El Matrimonio es una AlianzaDear Friends,In the Gospel this Sunday Jesus tells his listeners plainly that there is a truth and permanence in marriage and it was always meant to be that way. Our Discussion Questions this week